Dec 182012
[magny image=”” title=”Black Leg Warmer” description=”Faux fur leg warmer muffs boots shoes sleeves covers” align=”center” click=”1″ small_image=”” maxwidth=”250px” zoom=”1.3″ dia=”200px” skin=”new-im-frame-simple,new-title-off,new-description-off,new-slider-abowe,new-im-magnifier-simple” ] $29 tax included for a pair faux fur black leg warmer muffs boots
Item No: WA-T2113
Style: Fashion see picture for color and style
Price: $29.00/piece
Payment: Accept Paypal, Credit Card.
About us: Click to know purchase FAQ
Length: 40cm / 16inch

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  4 Responses to “Black Leg Warmer Discount Coupon!”

  1. Interested in this. Need them by sat. Can meet u in
    Surrey. What’s the best way to do this?? Thanks
    Kristy. 604xxxxxxx

  2. Interested in one pair of Black leg warmers. I’m located in East Vancouver (by 29th skytrain station) Please text me @ 604 xxx xxxx

    604 781 0754

    or e-mail me @ x.xxxx@LIVE.CA

    if you have these and are available for pick up 🙂

    Thanks a lot!!!

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