Feb 252014
[magny image=”http://outletebay.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/iphone-set-1024×1024.png” title=”” description=”” align=”center” click=”1″ small_image=”” canvas_mode=”1″ maxwidth=”300px” zoom=”1″ dia=”200px” skin=”new-im-frame-simple,new-title-off,new-description-off,new-slider-off,new-im-magnifier-simple” ] $30 tax and shipping included for a iPhone accessories set

1) iPhone Touch Screen Pen with two in one functions (touch and write)
2) iPhone Anti Dust Pin with touch screen header
3) Two iPhone Screen Cleaner with the cord holder function

Item No: WA-AE_01
Style: Mixed
Color: Black, sliver and white
Materials: PVC
Price: $30 shipping and tax included.
Payment: Accept Paypal, Credit Card.
About us: Click to know purchase FAQ
Size: Fit all
Once shipped, items may be replaced but not refunded

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